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Colorado Cops to Target Certain Areas

On Behalf of The Foley Law Firm | April 1, 2013

Law enforcement agencies in Colorado are experimenting with a new program that combines crime and traffic data to boost law enforcement activities in areas that may be considered “high-traffic.” The program is called Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety, or DDACTS.

The program identifies areas where traffic data and crime overlap, then uses that data to increase police presence, visibility and enforcement in those areas. For example, a certain intersection may see a great deal of traffic from suspected criminals and be the sight of several traffic-related crimes. Under the new program, that intersection would receive more police surveillance.

Colorado Springs has assigned six motorcycle officers to this program in hopes that it will help law enforcement identify and detain those involved in traffic-related crimes.

DDACTS relies on the idea that vehicles are often used in the commission of crimes. For example, someone who robs a bank often has a getaway vehicle. Another example may be a drive-by shooting, where vehicles and traffic play a key role in the crime. And, of course, drunk driving is a crime that involves a vehicle.

During the first quarter of this year, Colorado Springs officers focused on one small area surrounding a major city street. They are still analyzing the data for those three months but early figures indicate that crime decreased in that area.

A decrease in crime may indicate an increase in arrests. People who frequently drive in these high-traffic areas may be at greater risk of having run-ins with law enforcement, whether they are committing a crime or not.

If you or someone you love are facing criminal charges or accusations it is wise to speak with a criminal defense attorney.

Source: The Gazette, “New police program uses crime and traffic data to identify high-density patrol areas,” Daniel Chacon, May 13, 2013

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