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Teen binge drinkers may not hesitate to get behind the wheel

On Behalf of The Foley Law Firm | July 3, 2019

Binge drinking is a popular activity among high school and college students.

Unfortunately, most young people think of themselves as invincible, so some binge drinkers believe it is perfectly OK for them to drive. This could be a serious mistake.

What binge drinking means

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, binge drinking is a pattern of drinking that involves consuming five or more drinks for men or four or more for women in the space of about two hours. Binge drinking brings the blood alcohol concentration level to 0.08% or above, which is problematic if the person who consumed this much alcohol decides to drive.

Parents in the dark

While older adults may drink a glass or two of wine with dinner or enjoy watching a favorite sports team on the weekend, beer in hand, young drinkers do not copy their parents in this regard. Instead, they will choose one occasion, such as a Saturday night get-together with friends, and put away a steady supply of alcoholic drinks. Studies indicate that roughly one in seven teens is a binge drinker, but only one in 100 parents is aware of it.

About the driving issue

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration compiles data on car accidents. Their research shows that vehicle crashes represent the leading cause of death for teenagers and that underage drunk drivers are involved in about a quarter of these, a sobering statistic.

Seeking help

If law enforcement stops an underage driver on suspicion of drunk driving, and testing reveals a BAC of 0.08% or above, the arrest may give parents their first clue about binge drinking. This will come as a shock. After all, their child's future is at stake, but the arrest may be a blessing in disguise. With experienced legal representation, everyone can expect the best outcome for this case—and hopefully, the teen will leave binge drinking behind and go on to drive another day, sober.

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